A. Design of Experiments (DOE)
Planning and organizing experiments
Describe and apply the basic elements of experiment planning and organizing, including determining the experiment objective; selecting factors, responses and measurement methods; choosing the appropriate design, etc. (Evaluation)
Design and analysis of one-factor experiments
Construct these experiments such as completely randomized block and Latin square designs, and apply computational and graphical methods to analyze and evaluate the significance of results. (Evaluation)
Design and analysis of full-factorial experiments
Construct these experiments and apply computational and graphical methods to analyze and evaluate the significance of results. (Evaluation)
Design and analysis of two-level fractional factorial experiments
Construct experiments (including Taguchi designs) and apply computational and graphical methods to analyze and evaluate the significance of results; understand limitations of fractional factorials due to confounding. (Evaluation)
Taguchi robustness concept
Apply Taguchi robustness concepts and techniques such as signal-to-noise ratio, controllable and noise factors, and robustness to external sources of variability. (Analysis)
Mixture experiments
Construct these experiments and apply computational and graphical methods to analyze and evaluate the significance of results. (Analysis)
B. Response Surface Methodology
Higher-order experiments
Construct experiments such as CCD, Box Behnken, etc., and apply computational and graphical methods to analyze the significance of results. (Analysis)
Evolutionary Operations (EVOP)
Understand the application and strategy of EVOP. (Comprehension)