Six Sigma Black Belt ASQ SSBB Body of Knowledge |
ASQ SSBB exam contains questions from many topics. These are listed in the Body of Knowledge reproduced below. This version of BOK includes links to Six Sigma Glossary. |
IX. LEAN ENTERPRISE (9 questions)
Theory of constraints
Describe the theory of constraints
Lean thinking
Describe concepts such as value, value chain, flow, pull, perfection, etc. (Comprehension)
Continuous flow manufacturing (CFM)
Describe the concept of CFM. (Comprehension)
Non value-added activities
Identify these activities in terms of inventory, space, test inspection, rework, transportation, storage, etc. (Application)
Cycle-time reduction
Describe how cycle-timed reduction can be used to identify defects and non value-added activates using kaizen-type methods to reduce waste of space, inventory, labor, and distance. (Comprehension)
Define, select and apply tools such as visual factory, kanban, poka-yoke, standard work, SMED, etc., in areas outside of DMAIC-Control. (Application) [NOTE: The use of lean tools in DMAIC-Control is covered in section VIII.C]
Understand the concept of TPM. (Comprehension)

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April Baugher Process Development Engineer, Applied Biosystems, US