A. Team formation
- Team types and constraints
Define and describe various types of teams (e.g., formal, informal, virtual, cross-functional, self-directed, etc.), and determine what team model will work best for a given situation. Identify constraining factors including geography, technology, schedules, etc. (Apply)
- Team Roles
Define and describe various team roles and responsibilities, including leader, facilitator, coach, individual member, etc. (Understand)
- Team Member Selection
Define and describe various factors that influence the selection of team members, including required skill sets, subject matter expertise, availability, etc. (Apply)
- Launching teams
Identify and describe the elements required for launching a team, including having management support, establishing clear goals, ground rules and timelines, and how these elements can affect the team's success. (Apply)
B. Team facilitation
- Team motivation
Describe and apply techniques that motivate team members and support and sustain their participation and commitment. (Apply)
- Team Stages
Facilitate the team through the classic stages of development: forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning. (Apply)
- Team Communication
Identify and use appropriate communication methods (both within the team and from the team to various stakeholders) to report progress, conduct milestone reviews and support the overall success of the project. (Apply)
C. Team dynamics
Identify and use various techniques (e.g., coaching, mentoring, interventions, etc.) to overcome various group dynamic challenges, including overbearing/dominant or reluctant participants, feuding and other forms of unproductive disagreement, unquestioned acceptance of opinions as facts, groupthink, floundering, rushing to accomplish or finish, digressions, tangents, etc. (Apply)
D. Time management for teams
Select and use various time management techniques including publishing agendas with time limits on each entry, adhering to the agenda, requiring pre-work by attendees, ensuring that the right people and resources are available, etc. (Apply)
E. Team decision-making tools
Define, select and use tools such as brainstorming, nominal group technique, multi-voting, etc. (Apply)
F. Management and planning Tools
Define, select and apply the following tools affinity diagrams, tree diagrams, process decision program charts (PDPC), matrix diagrams, interrelationship diagraphs, prioritization matrices and activity network diagrams. (Apply)
G. Team performance evaluation and reward
Measure team progress in relation to goals, objectives and other metrics that support team success and reward and recognize the team for its accomplishments. (Analyze)