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In this issue:

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:: Special: Free 2 Weeks Extra Access Time

Enroll in any course by the end of March and receive...
2 weeks extra FREE by quoting FE03
in the Promotional Code field of the enrollment form.

:: Six Sigma Primer: DFSS Update

We introduced the Six Sigma Primer in early September 2007. The feedback from the students has been extremely positive with high scores on the questionnaires. They appreciated the in-depth treatment and the inclusion of many real-life case studies.

Several students wanted more material on the Design for Six Sigma (DFSS). As a result we have rewritten that section to include several additional topics, including a discussion of the Taguchi Loss Function and the Taguchi Approach to the Design of Experiments.

We also added questions to the end of each section to supplement those already in the material, about fifty additional questions in all.

While we were working on the course we took the opportunity to make improvements throughout and 'beef up' the 'Improve' and 'Control' sections of the DMAIC sequence and the section on 'Lean Six Sigma'.

:: Six Sigma: DFSS
DFSS (Design for Six Sigma)

DFSS (Design for Six Sigma) is used to design a new product or service, or to start from scratch with an existing process or service. This contrasts with the normal Six Sigma process that is used to improve an existing process or service.

For example if you wanted to replace a manual accounting system with a computer-based one then you might use DFSS.


Similar to DMADV with the addition of the 'optimize step':

Define Define the project objectives, similar to DMAIC.
Measure Measure the expectations of all the stakeholders, particularly the customers. Also use benchmarking and competitor analysis.
Analyze Identify and analyze the alternative solutions
Design Carry out the detailed design
Optimize Use experimental design, simulation etc. to optimize the solution
Verify Verify the design through pilot studies and then evaluation as it goes into service


The Steps usually used for Design for Six Sigma. The steps are:

Define Define the project objectives, similar to DMAIC.
Measure Measure the expectations of all the stakeholders, particularly the customers. Also use benchmarking and competitor analysis.
Analyze Identify and analyze the alternative solutions
Design Carry out the detailed design
Verify Verify the design through pilot studies and then evaluation as it goes into service

Enroll to learn more in the Six Sigma Primer course

:: Six Sigma Primer
:: Statistical Process Control (SPC), Advanced Statistical Process Control
:: Design of Experiments (DOE), Advanced Design Of Experiments
:: Primer in Statistics, Advanced Statistics
:: Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA)/ Gage R&R
:: FREE Excel Primer
:: FREE Sample Module "Introduction to Statistics"
FREE Statistics Reference Booklet
FREE Six Sigma Summary Booklet
DOWNLOAD Brochure for All Courses


440+ terms Six Sigma Glossary
(includes all terms in the ASQ SSBB Six Sigma Black Belt Body of Knowledge)


Sigma Calculator


Book Reviews

:: Reference Tables
:: Next Update

Next update will come out in early May.
