A way of representing activities and dependencies involved in a complex project. There are several versions of Activity Network Diagram, the main types being PERT and CPM.
Box Plots (Box and Whisker Plots) |
Box Plots are used to represent relatively small data sets. The standard format of a box is shown below:

The outliers are points that are more than 1.5 times the interquartile range above the third quartile or below the first quartile. The whiskers extend to the largest, and smallest, data values that are not outliers.
A tally sheet that is used to collect data . It is a simple method that can be used with a minimum of instruction:

A Pareto Chart would often be a useful next step for analyzing the results.
Consensus Criteria Method |
See Prioritization Matrices
Critical Path Method. Essentially the same as PERT, although there are some technical differences.
A graphical tool for helping to chose between several courses of action. The tree starts with the decision that has to be made. The branches are then formed from the future decisions that the initial decision will leads to, or to the possible outcomes from the decisions:

A diagram, or table, that shows the number of observations falling into each of several ranges of values. A histogram is a common method for representing a frequency distribution.
A chart showing the work breakdown against time. The vertical axis shows the activities and the horizontal axis the time (in days, weeks, months etc.)

A graphical method that represents the distribution of values in a data set. The data values are grouped into ranges and shown as bars on a histogram:

... continued in the Six Sigma Glossary